Flowers - contemporary, free-form embroidery

I've had flowers on my mind lately.
Maybe it's because I wish winter was over and spring was here.
Could be because I've recently started working for a floral distributor.
(Ha!  That's probably why!)

The truth is,  I have always loved flowers.

My younger sister had a birthday recently and I stitched a gift for her.

Flowers of course!

When I was younger I liked the thought of practicing embroidery. 
I tried cross stitch but wasn't crazy about counting the squares.  Plus,  every stitch is exactly the same!  (Kind of boring.)

I tried traditional embroidery stitches and became frustrated with the amount of precision it required.
I just wanted to stitch designs that emphasized texture and colour and line.

In walked free-form embroidery!
No pattern to follow.
I choose my own colours.
I can stitch whatever I want!
