Plein air painting with kids

We packed a picnic lunch.
We packed our bags with watercolour paints, brushes, pencils, water containers and paper.

Tip: Make it easy for kids to draw, colour or paint outside by giving them a clipboard.  It holds their paper in place so it doesn't blow away and it provides a hard surface to work on.

We found an inspirational location - but you could certainly use your own backyard and, bonus,  the bathroom is always close by!

I asked him, "Where at the park did he see Darth Vader?"
He told me,  "Here,  on my paper!"

Plein air painting is so relaxing.  It easily connects you with nature. 
Moms and dads,  if you would like to give it a try,  Jan Yates offers classes at her home on a regular basis.
Click on her name (above) to see her website with all the details.

Hint:  You don't have to be artistic to try it...really.
