Wanted: small dog with a big heart

My daughter has been asking us for a dog for a few years now.
We have a pet bunny,  but there is only so much we can do with a bunny.
When our neighbours asked us to doggy sit their Jack Russell I had a light-bulb moment.

This is the perfect opportunity to test the 'canine' waters - see if the kids can do all those doggy duties that need to be done everyday. 

A beautiful sunny, fall day.

It was a success!
The kids absolutely loved having a dog and I think he enjoyed our company as well.

We are officially on the search for our very own furry friend. Yeah!

My husband and I both grew up with dogs and we are looking forward to sharing our home with a dog again.

WANTED:  A smallish dog to fit our smallish house,
and great with kids!
