
I am a morning person.
I make a cup of tea and try to get some reading in before everyone wakes up.
 In my home,  the tiniest house on our street,  a sneeze or an ill-placed footstep making the floor creek could wake my youngest and with a domino affect the rest of them roll out of bed...

and my quiet time is done.


What's your favourite time of the day?


  1. My favourite time of day is the half hour after the kids are out the door and on their way to school. Kisses, hugs and lunches have been doled out and the morning hubbub of getting everyone fed and ready is over and the house is quiet with the possibilities of the rest of the day stretching before me. I make a fresh cup of coffee and chart my course!

  2. Lovely and well written I might add! Makes me look forward to when both kids are in school all day. Oh the possibilities!


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